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Findings suggest that neurocognitively impaired individuals with AEH are at notably elevated risk of clinically significant challenges in normal daily functioning.

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Screening for neurocognitive , mood, and substance use disorders in AEH may facilitate identification of individuals at high risk of functional dependence who may benefit from psychological and medical strategies to manage their neuropsychiatric conditions. Neurocognition and psychosocial functioning in adolescents with bipolar disorder. Adults with bipolar disorder demonstrate significantly poorer psychosocial functioning and neurocognition compared to controls.

In adult bipolar disorder neurocognition predicts a substantial portion of variance in functioning. Adolescents with bipolar disorder have reducedpsychosocial functioning, but less is known about neurocognitive impairments, and no studies have examined the relationship between neurocognition and functioning in an adolescent sample. Adolescents with bipolar disorder had significantly poorer psychosocial functioning in domains of daily activities, social functioning, and satisfaction with functioning, psadolescent sample with bipolar disorder experiences significantly poorer neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning compared to controls; however, psychosocial functioning appears to be more strongly related to mood symptoms than to neurocognition.

Future work is needed to delineate the time course of neurocognitive functioning and its relation to psychosocial functioning across the course of illness.

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Adolescence may provide an ideal time for cognitive enhancement and intensive psychosocial intervention. All rights reserved. Risk factors for neurocognitive impairment in HIV -infected patients and comparison of different screening tools. Assessment of HAND in daily clinical practice is challenging and different tools have been proposed. Objective : To evaluate risk factors and compare different screening tools for neurocognitive impairment in HIV -infected patients.

Sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory data were obtained through chart review and patient interview. Regarding cognitive self-perception, Among those patients self-reporting no problems, None of the patients scored below the education-adjusted cut-off on the MMSE. The self-assessment questionnaire had low sensitivity and might not be useful as a screening tool. An overview of the biological and psychosocial context surrounding neurocognition in HIV. The presence of a psychiatric illness increases the risk of exposure to HIV and disease complications; however, effective treatments have substantially reduced mortality in adults with HIV.

Despite such effective treatments, nearly half of adults with HIV experience neurocognitive deficits that can affect job-related and everyday tasks, thus reducing their quality of life.

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This article provides an overview of the context in which neurocognitive deficits occur in adults with HIV ; it also includes implications for treatment and mitigation of such neurocognitive deficits. Understanding the underlying neurocognitive changes related to HIV can help psychiatric nurses provide better care to patients that may improve medication compliance and everyday functioning.

Cerebrospinal fluid metabolomics reveals altered waste clearance and accelerated aging in HIV patients with neurocognitive impairment. Some features of HAND resemble those of age-associated cognitive decline in the absence of HIV , suggesting that overlapping mechanisms may contribute to neurocognitive impairment. Cytokine profiling was performed by Bioplex. Bioinformatic analyses were performed in Metaboanalyst and R.

Results: Alterations in the CSF metabolome of HIV patients on ART mapped to pathways associated with neurotransmitter production, mitochondrial function, oxidative stress, and metabolic waste. Machine learning models identified neurotransmitters glutamate, N-acetylaspartate , markers of glial activation myo-inositol , and ketone bodies beta-hydroxybutyric acid, 1,2-propanediol as top-ranked classifiers of HAND.

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Conclusions: Alterations in the CSF metabolome of HIV patients on ART suggest that persistent inflammation, glial responses, glutamate neurotoxicity, and altered brain waste disposal systems contribute to mechanisms involved in HAND that may be augmented with aging. No studies to date, however, have explored how these neuropsychological factors operate together and affect HRQoL.

The findings disentangle the complex relationship using a moderated mediation model, demonstrating that increasing levels of NCI, which can be reduced with HIV treatment, negatively influenced HRQoL via depression for individuals with AUDs. Neurocognitive disorders in sentenced male offenders: implications for rehabilitation.

Neurocognitive deficits are frequent among male offenders and tend to be associated with a more serious risk of anti-social activity, but they are not systematically allowed for in rehabilitation programmes. The aim of this study was to evaluate neurocognitive performance in a sample of sentenced Finnish male prisoners and consider the implications for prison programme entry. Seventy-five sentenced male prisoners were examined using a neurocognitive test battery.

Verbal IQ was more impaired than performance IQ. There was no association between most serious offence type and neurocognitive performance, but correlations between attention deficit indices and number of previous convictions suggested that recidivists may have an attention disorder profile. Cluster analysis identified two subgroups of offenders, separated by very poor or merely poor cognitive performance. Motor dexterity, visuo-construction and verbal memory deficits were not wholly explained by lower IQ measures.

Our sample was small, but the nature and extent of the neurocognitive deficits found suggest that wider use of neurocognitive assessments, which the men generally tolerated well, could help select those most likely to need offender programmes and that the effectiveness of these may be enhanced by some specific cognitive remediation before progressing to more complex social tasks.

Neurocognitive Deficits in Borderline Personality Disorder. Patients with BPD primarily showed deficits in verbal comprehension, sustained visual attention, working memory and processing speed Potential relationships between neurocognitive deficits and dimensions of personality psychopathology in BPD need further examination Discrete neurocognitive subgroups in fully or partially remitted bipolar disorder.

However, the pattern and impact of these deficits are unclear. Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted to determine whether there are discrete neurocognitive subgroups in bipolar disorder. The pattern of the cognitive deficits and the characteristics of patients in these neurocognitive subgroups were examined with analyses of covariance and least The present findings highlight a clinical need to systematically screen Detecting altered connectivity patterns in HIV associated neurocognitive impairment using mutual connectivity analysis.

The use of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging fMRI has provided interesting insights into our understanding of the brain. In clinical setups these scans have been used to detect and study changes in the brain network properties in various neurological disorders.

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  3. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.

In this study we propose to use our novel technique named Mutual Connectivity Analysis MCA to detect differences in brain networks in subjects with and without HIV infection. Subsequently, the average time-series for each brain region of the Automated Anatomic Labeling AAL atlas are extracted and used with the MCA framework to obtain a graph characterizing the interactions between them. The network graphs obtained for different subjects are then compared using Network-Based Statistics NBS , which is an approach to detect differences between graphs edges while controlling for the family-wise error rate when mass univariate testing is performed.

Applying this approach on the graphs obtained yields a single network encompassing 42 nodes and 65 edges, which is significantly different between the two subject groups.

Specifically connections to the regions in and around the basal ganglia are significantly decreased. Also some nodes corresponding to the posterior cingulate cortex are affected. Hence, we illustrate the applicability of our novel approach with network-based statistics in a clinical case-control study to detect differences connectivity patterns. Neurocognitive psychotherapy for adult attention deficit hyperactive disorder. It is characterized by persistent problems of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. We present the case of an adult ADHD patient intervened with neurocognitive psychotherapy.

Hyperactivity Disorder Differ Neuropsychologically. In Preteen To develop a consensus document containing clinical recommendations for the management of human immunodeficiency virus HIV -associated neurocognitive disorder HAND. Scientific information was reviewed to October in publications and conference papers.

Multiple recommendations for the clinical management of these disorders are provided, including two graphics algorithms, considering both the diagnostic and possible therapeutic strategies. Neurocognitive disorders associated with HIV infection is currently highly prevalent, are associated with a decreased quality of life and daily activities, and given the possibility of occurrence of an increase in the coming years, there is a need to adequately manage these disorders , from a diagnostic as well as therapeutic point of view, and always from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Effects of HIV and childhood trauma on brain morphometry and neurocognitive function. A wide spectrum of neurocognitive deficits characterises HIV infection in adults. HIV infection is additionally associated with morphological brain abnormalities affecting neural substrates that subserve neurocognitive function.

Early life stress ELS also has a direct influence on brain morphology. The present study examined the effects of HIV and childhood trauma on brain morphometry and neurocognitive function. Results revealed significant group volumetric differences for right anterior cingulate cortex ACC , bilateral hippocampi, corpus callosum, left and right caudate and left and right putamen. This study highlights the potential contributory role of childhood trauma to brain alterations and neurocognitive decline in HIV -infected individuals.

Neurocognitive performance in unmedicated patients with hoarding disorder. Hoarding disorder HD is an often incapacitating psychiatric illness associated with a wide range of neurocognitive abnormalities. Some prior neuropsychological studies have found executive dysfunction in HD, but no clear pattern has emerged. One potential reason for discrepant results in previous studies might be the inclusion of patients on psychotropic and other medications that can affect neurocognitive performance.

Therefore, we examined neurocognitive functioning in medication-free HD patients. We also added a novel investigation of implicit learning, which has been found to be abnormal in obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD and related disorders.

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All participants were free of psychotropic medications for at least 6 weeks prior to the study. HD participants showed no significant differences from normal controls on measures of verbal memory, attention, or executive functioning, including response inhibition, planning, organization, and decision making. However, HD participants demonstrated a trend toward less implicit learning and greater use of explicit learning strategies during perceptual categorization compared to normal controls. HD participants who used an implicit strategy performed significantly worse than controls who used an implicit strategy.

Hoarding symptom severity was not associated with neurocognitive performance. HD patients may have a tendency to use explicit rather than implicit learning strategies for perceptual categorization but perform as well as normal controls on many other neurocognitive measures. Future studies should assess unmedicated participants and examine test strategies, not just outcomes. Interferon response genes IFRGs, antigen presentation, complement components and CD antigen were strongly upregulated.

In frontal neocortex downregulated neuronal pathways strongly dominated in HIVE, including GABA receptors, glutamate signaling, synaptic potentiation, axon guidance, clathrin-mediated endocytosis and protein. Expression was completely different in neuropsychologically impaired subjects without HIVE. They had low brain HIV -1 loads, weak brain immune responses, lacked neuronally expressed changes in neocortex and exhibited upregulation of endothelial cell type transcripts.

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HIV infected subjects with normal neuropsychological test results had upregulation of neuronal transcripts involved in synaptic transmission of neostriatal circuits. Two patterns of brain gene expression suggest that more than one pathophysiological process occurs in HIV associated neurocognitive impairment. International HIV dementia scale, activity of daily living scale and Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale were used to assess neuro cognitive deficit, activity of daily living, anxiety and depression respectively.

The data was analyzed by using SPSS window Neurocognitive function in HIV infected patients on antiretroviral therapy. Full Text Available To describe factors associated with neurocognitive NC function in HIV -positive patients on stable combination antiretroviral therapy. NC testing comprised of 5 domains.

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Raw results were z-transformed using standard and demographically adjusted normative datasets ND. Patient characteristics associated with NC results were assessed using multivariable linear regression. The prevalence of abnormal results is highly dependent on control datasets utilised. Neurocognitive functioning in compulsive buying disorder.

Compulsive buying CB is a fairly common behavioral problem estimated to affect 5. Although previous research has examined the clinical characteristics of CB, little research has examined whether people with CB manifest cognitive deficits.

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Twenty-three non-treatment-seeking compulsive buyers mean age, Deficits were of large effect size Cohen's d, 0. These pilot data suggest that individuals with CB experience problems in several distinct cognitive domains, supporting a likely neurobiological overlap between CB and other putative behavioral and substance addictions. These findings may have implications for shared treatment approaches as well as how we currently classify and understand CB.

Neurocognition in early-onset schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders.