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Our research suggests the need for multiple strategies to reach diverse types of MSM as well as to address barriers in access to health services such as stigma and costs. While a great deal has been written about the diversity of MSM in relation to gender performance and sexual identities, our research points to the substantial structural-level barriers that must be addressed in order to achieve meaningful and effective HIV prevention for MSM worldwide. This brief report describes results on study retention among minority men who have sex with men MSM from a week, social networking-based, HIV prevention trial with 1-year follow-up.

Participants, primarily minority MSM , were recruited using online and offline methods and randomly assigned to a Facebook intervention or control group. Participants completed a baseline survey and were asked to complete two follow-up surveys week follow-up and 1-year post-intervention.

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Participants who spent a greater frequency of time online had almost twice the odds of completing all surveys. HIV negative participants, compared to those who were HIV positive, had over 25 times the odds of completing all surveys. HIV prevention studies on social networking sites can yield high participant retention rates.

Background: Evidence suggests that natural antibodies developed after HPV16 infection may protect some women but not men against subsequent HPV16 reacquisition. Less is known whether antibodies developed following HPV16 infection are protective among men who have sex with men MSM.

Conclusions: Despite years of HPV16 seropositivity persistence and antibody titers comparable with females, this study suggested no evidence of HPV16 natural antibodies protecting against subsequent genital or anal HPV16 infection in MSM. Impact: This could help partially explain the high incidence of genital and anal HPV16 infection and related anal cancer seen in middle-aged and older MSM.

Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 27 4 ; In this study, questionnaires were administered to adult MSM. Participants who had multiple male sexual partners i. They also had reduced odds of condom use. Participants who were forced to have anal receptive sex had 3 times higher odds of testing positive for HIV. Semple, Shirley J. The present study used a syndemic conditions framework to examine correlates of sexual violence victimization in a sample of MSM surveyed in Tijuana, Mexico during and Participants were recruited through respondent-driven sampling RDS and underwent a two-hour baseline interview and testing for HIV and syphilis.

Sexual violence was defined as any incident during the past year in which the participant had been raped, sexually molested, or sexually harassed. The majority of participants self-identified as gay or bisexual, had never married, were employed, and had a high school education or greater. The average age was Thirty-nine percent reported sexual violence in the past year. A hierarchical multiple linear regression model predicting more experiences of sexual violence was tested.

Syphilis infections spike in B.C., especially among women | The Kingston Whig-Standard

In a final model, a higher number of experiences of sexual violence was associated with a history of childhood sexual abuse, more adult experiences of homophobia, more depression and hostility symptoms, and not living with a spouse or steady partner. The findings from this study support a model of co-occurring psychosocial factors that increase the likelihood of sexual violence experiences among MSM. Multi-level approaches to the prevention of childhood and adult experiences of sexual violence and homophobia are needed to avert the development of adverse mental and physical health outcomes associated with sexual violence victimization.

Methamphetamine use has increasingly become linked with sexual risk behaviors among men have sex with men MSM. Yet, the majority of research has been done with methamphetamine dependent MSM or with samples in which addiction to the substance was not evaluated.

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In this study, focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted in order to understand the motives, context, and other facilitators and barriers of methamphetamine use among non-addicted MSM residing in Atlanta. Participants included 30 non-addicted, methamphetamine-using MSM and 16 local mental and public health officials. Findings from the first of this two-phase formative research project will result in the initial development of a community-tested, culturally-specific social marketing campaign and an individual-based intervention based in HIV-testing facilities.

The aim of our study was to investigate the experience and shortcomings of PEP among people with a high risk of HIV exposure. Semistructured interviews were conducted at the patients' homes. They were audio-recorded, transcribed and deidentified before data analysis, double coding and thematic analysis with an inductive approach.

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Twenty-three patients were eligible for the qualitative study. Thirteen interviews were carried out. All patients were year-old MSM. Practitioners should be more aware of MSM sexual contexts and practices. PEP consultations should provide the opportunity to discuss prevention strategies with highly exposed HIV-negative subjects, which may include pre-exposure prophylaxis. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

Goodreau, Steven M. In this work, we estimate the proportions of transmissions occurring in main vs. We use dynamic, stochastic models based in exponential random graph models ERGMs , obtaining inputs from multiple large-scale MSM surveys. Parallel main partnership and casual sexual networks are simulated.

Each man is characterized by age, race, circumcision status, sexual role behavior, and propensity for unprotected anal intercourse UAI ; his history is modeled from entry into the adult population, with potential transitions including HIV infection, detection, treatment, AIDS diagnosis, and death. We implemented two model variants differing in assumptions about acute infectiousness, and assessed sensitivity to other key inputs.

The broad balance in transmission contexts suggests that education about risk, careful assessment, pre-exposure prophylaxis, more frequent testing, earlier treatment, and risk-reduction, disclosure, and adherence counseling may all contribute substantially to reducing the HIV incidence among MSM in the US and Peru. Morgenstern, Jon; Bux, Donald A. Objective We examined the effectiveness of motivational interviewing MI on club drug use and risky sex in non-treatment-seeking men who have sex with men MSM.

Follow up occurred at quarterly intervals for 1 year. Primary outcomes were days of any club drug use and number of unsafe sex acts. Results On average, club drug use declined during follow up. A significant interaction effect showed that MI was associated with less club drug use during follow up compared to education, but only among participants with lower severity of drug dependence p Hepatitis A outbreak since November affecting men who have sex with men MSM in Chile connected to the current outbreak in MSM in Europe, situation up to October A hepatitis A outbreak has occurred in Chile since November Men are predominantly affected, with a large proportion of men who have sex with men MSM.

We describe 12 consecutive unrelated confirmed cases who presented at our healthcare institution in Santiago Metropolitan Area. Nine were men , all reporting having had sex with men. These six HIV infections were diagnosed in and among MSM 3 of 75 and men with unknown risk factors 3 of 63 and differed from the vast majority of HIV infections among MSM in Japan, which are overwhelmingly characterized by subtype B of [ Approximately one-third 91 of [ B-2 or JP.

This finding highlights the importance of strengthening epidemiological surveillance in the region and the need for effective measures to limit transmission among MSM in East Asia. Increasing serostatus awareness is a key HIV prevention strategy.

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This study explored demographic characteristics, sexual identity, sexual role, and behavioral factors associated with unknown HIV status among MSM in the United States. Young age, race, low education, rural residence, and lack of recent healthcare visits were significantly associated with unknown HIV status.

Post-hoc analysis showed HIV-negative MSM not tested in the last year had fewer self-reported risk behaviors than recent testers, suggesting that repeat testing among MSM may be aligned with individual risk. Mental health and suicidal ideation among Chinese women who have sex with men who have sex with men MSM. In addition, concern has been raised about the mental health of wives of MSM.

In this cross-sectional study, the authors examine the mental health status of a sample of of these women. Participants completed an Internet-administered questionnaire in Xi'an from April to June, Most were unaware at the time of marriage that their husbands were MSM. Physical abuse was frequently reported; depressive symptom and mental health Symptom Checklist, SCL scores were significantly higher than those of the general Chinese adult female population.

A majority Multiple logistic regression revealed that women's experience with anal sex was associated with 7. Also, women who demonstrated mental symptoms on the SCL had 2. These results suggest that wives of MSM have a significant need for mental health care, suicide prevention, HIV education, and social support.

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  • Interventions in the commercial sex industry during the rise in syphilis rates among men who have sex with men MSM. Education and condoms were provided at multiple venues, including circuit parties, bathhouses, and sex clubs. Evaluation data demonstrate that MSM exposed to media campaigns were more aware of syphilis and more likely to have been tested for syphilis than MSM who did not see the campaigns. Evaluations are needed to determine which of these efforts decreases syphilis transmission.

    Background Heavy drinking is a major public health concern among men who have sex with men MSM , as it is in many other populations. However, the consequences of heavy drinking among MSM may be particularly severe, especially for sexual risk behavior, due to the relatively high prevalence of HIV. Minority stress models suggest that, among members of marginalized groups, discrimination may be associated with heavier alcohol use as these individuals increasingly drink to cope with such experiences.

    Past studies have provided some support for this association. However, they have not explored the role other drinking motives play, how these relationships might differ across MSM who are HIV-positive versus HIV-negative, or how this relationship extends to alcohol-related problems. Methods In this study, we used path modeling to explore associations between perceived discrimination experiences, drinking motives, alcohol use, and alcohol-related problems in samples of heavy drinking MSM with and without HIV.

    Results In both HIV-negative and positive MSM , perceived discrimination was significantly positively associated with alcohol problems. Drinking to cope appears to play an important role in this relationship in both samples. Reporting more discrimination experiences was associated with drinking more frequently for sexual reasons among both groups.

    While the total effect of drinking to facilitate sex was positively associated with alcohol-related problems, sex motives did not mediate associations between discrimination and either drinking outcome. Conclusion These results suggest that interventions addressing discrimination and specific drinking motivations may be useful in helping reduce alcohol use of heavy drinking MSM. Associations between above exposed factors and HIV infection were analyzed using a univariate analysis and forward stepwise logistic regression.

    Results The prevalence of HIV and syphilis was 9. The awareness rate of AIDS was The rate of unprotected sexual behavior was The multivariate analysis identified that the duration of homosexual behavior and commercial sexual behavior were independent risk factors which associated with the HIV infection, and the protected sex during the past 6 months was a protective factor for the HIV infection. Childhood sexual abuse CSA is a significant global public health problem, which is associated with negative psychosocial outcomes and high-risk sexual behaviors in adults.

    Syphilis infections spike in B.C., especially among women

    Nearly a quarter Qualitative findings revealed that older, trusted men may target young and, especially, gender nonconforming boys, and perpetrators' social position facilitates nondisclosure. CSA may also initiate further same-sex encounters, including sex work. Results Higher HIV risk perception, intimacy motivations for condomless sex, recent condomless anal sex with outside partners, education, and age were each independently associated with PrEP adoption intentions.

    In a multivariate model, only age, education, and intimacy motivations for condomless sex were significantly associated with PrEP adoption intentions. Incorporating relationship dynamics into biomedical strategies is a promising avenue for research and intervention. Men who have sex with men MSM and factors associated with not using a condom at last sexual intercourse with a man and with a woman in Senegal. Men who have sex with other men MSM are a vulnerable population in Africa that has been insufficiently explored.

    A socio-behavioral survey was carried out in among MSM recruited using the snowball sampling method. We explore in this article why a condom was not used during last sexual intercourse with a man and with a woman, taking into account the respondent's characteristics, type of relationship and the context of the sexual act. In the survey, men reported that they had had sexual intercourse at least once with another man during the previous year, and with a man and with a woman. Having participated in a prevention program specifically targeting MSM constitutes a major prevention factor.

    However, these programs targeting MSM must address their heterosexual practices and the specific risks involved. Nowak, Rebecca G. Multivariate Poisson regression analyses were used to examine demographic and behavioral risk factors associated with any HR-HPV infections.

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    Results The median age of the participants was 25 years interquartile range [IQR]: , range: and the median age at initiation of anal sex with another man was 16 years IQR: , range: Providing universal coverage as well as catchup immunization for young MSM may be an effective anal cancer prevention strategy in Nigeria. Background: Sexually-transmitted disease STD is a facilitating cofactor that contributes to human immunodeficiency virus HIV transmission. Responses were classified as fear of consequences, perceived lack of need, and ART inaccessibility based on factor analysis.

    Associations between not taking ART because of fear of consequences, and demographic, behavioural and contextual indicators were identified in a multivariable regression model. Among them 3, Perceived lack of need was by far the most common reason for not taking or stopping ART mentioned by For all reasons, an East-West gradient could be seen, with larger proportions of men living in Central and Eastern Europe reporting reasons other than medical advice for not taking ART. A minority of men were reluctant to start ART independent of medical advice and this was associated with experiences of discrimination in health care systems.

    Bautista-Arredondo, Sergio; Colchero, M. Background Recent evidence points to the apparent increase of HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men MSM in different settings with concentrated epidemics, including the Latin American region. The program was intended to strengthen the prevention response for the most at risk populations: MSM and injecting drug users.

    This paper presents the HIV prevalence results of a nationally representative baseline survey in 24 Mexican cities throughout the 5 regions in the country and reports the socio-demographic and sexual risk behaviors that predict the probability of infection. Methods The survey was implemented in two phases.