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The internet has emerged as the primary forum for finding and arranging meet-ups for sex and monetary. The ease of access and anonymity in the world of prostitution further encourages such a fluid identity on the part of the male prostitute. The extensive reliance on internet chat forums means that both clients and prostitutes can slip in and out of soliciting and buying sexual services attheir own convenience.

In contrast to heterosexual prostitution which consists primarily of female and transgender sex workers , here, the definitional criteria of exchanging sex for monetary reward can differ with the type of payment, frequency of occurrence, and most importantly, the attitude held toward the transaction. As our exploration into the world of male sex services demonstrates, clients may find these sex workers in a variety of areas.

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Escort services, clubs, private homes, parks, and internet chat rooms all serve as places to meet and negotiate a transaction. Physical locations like clubs, brothels, escort services, and parks still facilitate a significant portion of the meetings.

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However, the internet has emerged as the primary forum for finding and arranging meet-ups for sex and monetary. As a virtual meeting place, the internet provides two crucial elements: anonymity and ease of access. Prospective clients can easily transcend physical constraints, and arrange meet-ups with male sex workers across city or even national boundaries. Internet chat rooms allow for anonymity through usernames and masked IP addresses. With this anonymity, internet chat rooms increase access to male prostitutes by removing the stigma associated with visiting a physical meeting place such as an bar, club, or park.

It also increases access for those wishing to become male sex workers without the help of a pimp, escort service, club, or brothel. Consequently, these workers are able to maintain control over the money they receive for their services. The average time spent by full-time workers in each city is around 21 days. In addition, male sex workers have greater mobility.

In an interview with the Utrecht Police Department, we were told that one distinguishing feature of male prostitution is the constant pressure to move from city to city. The Parades provide a steady clientele and adapt well to the demand for young and fresh faces. Because of this mobility, the Utrecht Police pointed out, male prostitutes often have a lack of legal understanding.

Specifically in the Netherlands, they are unaware of the legality of prostitution and may end up in the bureaucratic nightmare of being unregistered. The relative question of what exactly constitutes a male prostitute also makes prostitution difficult to regulate even within the legalized Dutch system. The increased access to the sex trade afforded by the internet has generated a wide supply of men — greater, Kooistra contended, than the demand.

The extensive use of the internet to find and arrange meet-ups with male sex workers also complicates any government efforts at regulation or investigation into cases of abuse or trafficking. Kooistra described how government shutdowns of chat forums used for finding and meeting male prostitutes would simply sprout up within a few hours at another site. The digitally connected gay community is able to adapt quickly, drawing users to the new site. However, male prostitutes can no longer depend on simply being a young, fresh face ino the local scene. The increased access to the sex trade afforded by the internet has generated a wide supply of men — greater, Kooistra contended, than the demand — with the result that experience now significantly matters in selecting a prostitute.

The extensive reliance of male prostitution on the internet demonstrates the central role of adaptability within this community. Kooistra explained that the anonymity and mobility of the gay community was the original reason for its gravitating toward using the internet. In turn, the internet is what allows the male prostitution to remain anonymous and mobile. What these trends indicate, Kooistra contends, is increased entrepreneurship within the world of male sex work.

Technological advancements — especially through smart phones and applications — allow male sex workers to find and arrange meet-ups with clients and most importantly, allow them to retain agency over profits independent of pimps or escort services.

2. "How much do you make? And is this you only source of income?"

Perhaps one of the most important conclusions we can draw is about the impact that the taboo on homosexuality and prostitution has on the male prostitution scene. The world of male prostitution was more accessible than we initially thought it would be. After only a few days, we planned interviews with social workers, the Utrecht police department and even talked to former sex workers. Whereas the female prostitution scene is very visible in big cities in the Netherlands, male prostitution remains underground.

Without the internet, male prostitution would be structured completely different. Men who occasionally engage in male prostitution, and those who are coerced to work in illegal brothels find their clients on the internet. A defining characteristic of male prostitution is the disparity between the overwhelming majority of sex workers who operate voluntarily on the internet, and the much smaller minority who are coerced into it.

Compared to female prostitution, the gap between these groups appears to be larger. There seems to be only a small group of men who are dependent on the income but engage in the work voluntarily. Not only does this taboo exist in society at large, but also among social workers, professionals and politicians. Public campaigns to increase awareness of homosexuality and male prostitution can decrease their stigma, and eventually decrease the demand for illegal prostitution Police Utrecht, In addition, more resources need to be made available to effectively combat male trafficking and illegal prostitution.

Monday, 9 AM: one week before the deadline of our report. We meet at the public library to discuss how we plan to approach the topic that we have been allocated. Thanks to IHLIA, some creativity, Google and mobile phones, a vague picture begins to emerge of the full spectrum of male prostitution in the Netherlands.

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A manager of a gay escort company in Amsterdam tells us about his boys, and tells us that all of them sincerely like the work they are doing. In the afternoon, we decide to go to the Rode Draad, an organization that fights for the interests of male prostitutes. The office is empty, and we decide to talk to some of the transssexual and transgendered prostitutes in the Bloedstraat and Barnesteeg.

When we finally conquer our fears, the three of us realize that these are friendly people with emotions and free will. They tell us they work independently, but swiftly close their door when a Latino man in a black suit appears behind us. When taking a break at a market square, we are approached by a man who wants to sell his CD to us.

We arrange a meeting. We kick off Friday with an interview at the Utrecht Police Station. Their work to counter human trafficking and illegal prostitution inspires us. We rush back to Amsterdam for a meeting with public health workers in the municipality of Amsterdam. On our way to the library, we decide to have a drink in a gay bar at the Zeedijk, where we have an illuminating conversation with the men present.

There, we also run into Oebele Kooistra, the former head of the Rode Draad and a former male escort. Having gathered so much information in such a small time frame is tiring, but rewarding. Every one of us has gained very valuable insights in the shady world of male prostitution. We would like to thank all the people who have provided us with information on male prostitution in the Netherlands:.


There are three taboos surrounding male prostitution:. The taboo on homosexual ity and prostitution is also visible in mental public health care.

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  • Health workers are often not used to dealing with male prostitutes. The distinction between forced male prostitution and voluntary prostitution is greater than with female prostitution.

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    A vast group of men prostitute themselves voluntarily, only a small group become dependent on the money, and yet a smaller group are forced to be prostitutes. There is a demand for new, young and exotic boys within the male prostitution community. This makes male trafficking into prostitution a lucrative business.

    Traffickers often tell young men seeking asylum in the Netherlands that they are unlikely to receive a Dutch visa. As a result, these men are persuaded by traffickers to go instead to the UK, where they discover that to pay their debt for travel, they must enter prostitution in the UK. Well, you're in luck because one man has recently revealed all you need to know. The unnamed man opened up about his unique profession, discussing how he got into it, his weirdest experiences and even sharing how much money he makes a month.

    Despite what you may think of his job, the man claims he is living the dream - having sex on balconies, staying in luxury villas in the Maldives and taking part in four-hour bondage sessions.

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    Speaking to LADbible, the escort explained how his reputation as a "ladies' man" inspired him to give his job a go. I put my picture and bio online and two weeks later had my first client. Since then he's gone on to meet around different women, having sex with about of them. The reason for the difference in these two numbers? Because his job isn't actually all about sex. He goes on to reveal how many of his "regulars" simply enjoy his company and will whisk him away to visit some of the most exciting places - including helicopter rides over the Grand Canyon and dinners in Michelin star restaurants, which makes him feel like a "movie star".

    On top of this, he also has a "regular job" that he's paid for - which also stops his friends and family from finding out about his double life. Women contact the escort through the website Gentlemen4hire and they exchange messages and swap photos, discussing what they plan to do during the meet up.

    She wanted a 50 Shades of Grey experience in her office. That was really fun," he said.