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Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. After that, he started exploring styles of music outside of the new-wave and rock-influenced funk style he had perfected, eventually dissolving The Revolution and infusing jazz and psychedelic rock into his sound. Andrea V. Fundraisers are being held, registrations are underway and reservations are being made as the Philadelphia Freedom Team gears up for another international event.

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Check out their moves and maybe play a half. Past, present and future players are all encouraged to participate. Drake was the Sigma Delta Chi national winner for best sports photo and the Professional Keystone Press Awards winner for best sports column in a weekly paper. If you have a person or event you think should be highlighted, email scott epgn. Summer tournaments heating up Starting off the month of July June 30, to be exact is the annual Fourth of July weekend Liberty Belle Invitational bowling tournament.

Now in its 28th year, the Philadelphia Gay Bowling League hosts teams from around the country. But the newly opened Co-Op, 20 S. The menu at Co-Op features locally sourced New-American dishes in either snack form, small plates or large plates. The small-plates menu was especially wellrounded. The Dinner Spanish Daily: p. The large plates lean more traditional in terms of refinement and technique but really deliver on the presentation. The pasta in the former dish and the couscous that garnishes the latter are both creamy and feature an excellent texture and nicely roasted asparagus green for the former, white for the latter , adding some garden freshness to the dishes.

University City might have plenty of options for burritos, cheesesteaks, nachos and pizza, but now non-students have an outlet to keep them from having to cross the river. So stop by Co-Op and welcome them to the neighborhood. Aside from memories of my sibling literally laughing in the aisles, I also remember the striking figure of Cleavon Little as Sheriff Bart, the handsome black sheriff with a droll sense of humor who fought both the bad guys and the racist townsfolk he was protecting.

Here in Philadelphia, we also have a handsome black deputy sheriff, Officer Dante Austin. PGN: Tell me a little about yourself. DA: I was born and raised in Philly. PGN: What was an early sign you were gay? That was about the age when people started dating and he started seeing this girl. I hated her.

And there was no reason for it but, of course in hindsight, it was pure jealousy. Once I got to high school, though, I figured it out. PGN: What were some of the things you liked to do as a kid? I ran track all through school but I was also a big nerd so I liked to read a lot too. I grew up in a household with five of us: an older sister, younger brother and sister and my mother.

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PGN: I understand that you, like our former president, were raised by a single white mom. But back to you, who was a favorite teacher? DA: Hands down, without a doubt, Mrs. I keep in touch with her regularly and, in fact, we just had breakfast together recently. PGN: A favorite book? He suffered terrible abuse as a kid; his parents treated him like an.

PGN: Were you a very compassionate kid? DA: Oh yeah, my birthday is Feb. So there was a lot going on. Fortunately, I had my sister. We actually came out together. We walked up the stairs together to tell our mom. DA: I know! She was upset about grandkids, that whole gamut. PGN: Oy vey!

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In my service packet, there were hundreds and hundreds of papers and one of the pages focused on homosexual conduct and how it was prohibited. Homophobia breeds in that type of environment. I was worried about the way those that served with me would receive me in an army that, for men, was predominantly straight.

Until my last year, and then I came out to everyone. P PGN: How did that happen? DA: There was a huge event with an awards ceremony for us. It was a black-tie, or in our case a dress-blue, event. I decided to take my then-boyfriend as my date. PGN: How did you come out? DA: I had the same girlfriend from freshman year until 12th grade. We broke up at the beginning of our senior year.

There was an openly gay guy at school and he was really cool. No one bullied him and he was really accepted by the other students. He was also really handsome. I decided to befriend him and within a couple of weeks I came out to him and we started dating. That was over the winter break so, in that time, I made a full departure and by the time we went back to school I was out of the closet and had a boyfriend.

Which is how I came out to my friends and the rest of the world. Prior to dating him, I did come out to my little sister and on Dec. PGN: How did she take it? I was her oldest boy and I had made her extremely proud and I was afraid that by coming out all that was going to go away. As a matter of fact, I ended up moving out and living with one of my best friends and his family. PGN: What did you do? DA: I was in the military intelligence corps and then after training I was in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, training for deployment.

My unit never deployed and last year I was honorably discharged after serving my time. DA: Yeah, I guess my coming-out stories are always a little dramatic.

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PGN: What made you decide to go into the military? DA: My older sister enlisted three years before me and I really admired what she did. DA: No, I took a lot of precautions. We never mentioned anything LGBT in our letters, at all. That would have been a literal paper trail. Other soldiers had pictures of their significant others in their lockers; not me. I was very cautious.