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Total sugar levels were retrieved from the websites of 10 fast-food and 7 sit-down restaurants in The added sugar levels in kids' meals from Canadian chain restaurants were calculated in in Toronto, Canada by subtracting all naturally occurring sugars from the total sugar level. There is a wide range of sugar levels in kids' meals from restaurants, and many contain more than a day's worth of sugar. Are restrictive guidelines for added sugars science based? Added sugar regulations and recommendations have been proposed by policy makers around the world.

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With no universal definition, limited access to added sugar values in food products and no analytical difference from intrinsic sugars , added sugar recommendations present a unique challenge. In addition to public health recommendations, the Food and Drug Administration has proposed the inclusion of added sugar data to the Nutrition and Supplemental Facts Panel. The adoption of such regulations would have implications for both consumers as well as the food industry.

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There are certainly advantages to including added sugar data to the Nutrition Facts Panel; however, consumer research does not consistently show the addition of this information to improve consumer knowledge. With excess calorie consumption resulting in weight gain and increased risk of obesity and obesity related co-morbidities, added sugar consumption should be minimized. However, there is currently no evidence stating that added sugar is more harmful than excess calories from any other food source. The addition of restrictive added sugar recommendations may not be the most effective intervention in the treatment and prevention of obesity and other health concerns.

Atherosclerotic changes associated with dyslipidemia and increased cardiovascular disease risk are believed to begin in childhood. While previous studies have linked added sugars consumption to low high-density lipoprotein HDL , little is known about the long-term impact of this consumption. This study aims to assess the association between added sugars intake and HDL cholesterol levels during adolescence, and whether this association is modified by obesity.

Over the year study period, the model predicted a mean increase of 2. Low added sugars consumption is associated with increasing HDL cholesterol levels throughout adolescence. Consumption of added sugars is decreasing in the United States.

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The consumption of added sugars caloric sweeteners has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Little is known about recent consumption trends in the United States or how intakes compare with current guidelines. We examined trends in intakes of added sugars in the United States over the past decade. Mean intakes of added sugars grams and percentage of total energy intake were weighted to obtain national estimates over time across age, sex, and race-ethnic groups.

Linear trends were tested by using Wald's F tests. The percentage of total energy from added sugars also decreased from Full Text Available The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the fermentative parameters and chemical composition of silage cane sugar added with residue dried brewery. The sugar cane was chopped in a stationary machine with forage particle size of approximately 2 cm, and homogenized manually with the additives.

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For storage chopped fresh weight were used in experimental silos capacity of about 4 liters. The results showed that the contents of dry matter and crude protein showed positive linear P0. It is concluded that the addition of brewer dehydrated improves the fermentation process of silage cane sugar , in addition to improving their nutritional characteristics. Consumption and sources of added sugar in Indonesia: a review. The present report summarized the best available evidence regarding consumption level and sources of free or added sugars in Indonesia.

A total of 18 references were obtained, showing varying results. Published studies suggested higher levels of intake. Studies used expenditure surveys or a single day of recall to determine dietary intake. None made use of biomarkers to determine the level of sugar intake. The Total Diet Study estimated that Common food sources were table sugar , wheat products, milk products, sweetened drinks, condiments, candies and chocolate products. Insufficient evidence exists regarding the levels and sources of added sugar intake of different population groups in Indonesia.

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A nationwide survey using multiple at least two hour recalls to allow estimation of usual intake and to identify food sources, and the use of biomarkers to validate intake will provide more accurate information on which to base policy decisions. Added sugar in the packaged foods and beverages available at a major Canadian retailer in a descriptive analysis.

Excess consumption of added sugars has been associated with a variety of health problems, but there is little information available characterizing added sugar in the Canadian food supply. This study examined the presence and types of added sugars in the packaged food and beverage products available at a major Canadian grocery retailer.

Proportions of food products containing added sugar were identified overall and within food product categories. Differences in total sugar content were identified between food products with and without added sugar. The added sugar term " sugar " and its variations appeared the most frequently, followed by "dextrose. The results provide an estimation of the baseline characterization of added sugar in the Canadian food supply, which can be used to assess outcomes of future changes to sugar labelling policies in Canada.

The reduction of free or added sugar intake sugars added to food and drinks as a sweetener is almost universally recommended to reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases and dental caries. However, estimating and monitoring intakes at the population level is challenging because free sugars cannot be analytically distinguished from naturally occurring sugars and most national food composition However, estimating and monitoring intakes at the population level is challenging because free sugars cannot be analytically distinguished from naturally occurring sugars and most national food composition databases do not include data on free or added sugars.

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This approach provides more direct estimates of the free and added sugar contents of New Zealand foods than previously available and will enable monitoring of adherence to free sugar intake guidelines in future. Full Text Available The reduction of free or added sugar intake sugars added to food and drinks as a sweetener is almost universally recommended to reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases and dental caries. Public health organizations in the United States have recently increased focus on reducing population consumption of added sugars.

We examined the key dependent variables, calories from added sugars and percentage of total energy intake from added sugars , at the mean and by quintiles of added sugars consumption for children 2 to 18 years and adults 19 years and older across the survey years. We also examined trends in added sugars intakes from foods and beverages.

We used ordinary least squares regression to examine linear trends between survey years and multinomial logistic regressions to examine sociodemographic characteristics by quintile of added sugars consumption. We adjusted estimates by race, income, sex, and education. The US mean adjusted intake of added sugars remains high. For both children and adults, there was a considerable increase in calories from added sugars from to , followed by a substantial decline from to There was no decline in the percentage of total energy intake from added sugars from to Changes over time were consistent across each quintile of added sugars consumption.

Added sugars intake across the distribution of US children and adult consumers: — Background Public health organizations in the United States US have recently increased focus on reducing population consumption of added sugars. Objective The objective of this study is to provide in-depth information on national trends in added sugars consumption and examine both the mean and the distribution of added sugars intake from to We used ordinary least squares regression to examine linear trends between survey years and multinomial logistic regressions to examine sociodemographics by quintile of added sugars consumption.

We adjusted estimates by gender, race, income, and education. Results The US mean adjusted intake of added sugars remains high. For both children and adults, there was a significant increase in calories from added sugars from to , followed by a significant decline from to There was no decline in the percentage of the total energy intake from added sugars from to Changes over time were consistent across each.

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Intake of added sugar in Malaysia: a review. The term ' added sugars ' refers to sugars and syrup added to foods during processing or preparation, and sugars and syrups added at the table. Calls to limit the daily intakes of added sugars and its sources arose from evidence analysed by WHO, the American Heart Association and other organizations. The present review examined the best available evidence regarding levels of added sugar consumption among different age and sex groups in Malaysia and sources of added sugars.

Information was extracted from food balance sheets, household expenditure surveys, nutrition surveys and published studies. Varying results emerged, as nationwide information on intake of sugar and foods with added sugar were obtained at different times and used different assessment methods. Published studies suggested that, for both adults and the elderly, frequently consumed sweetened foods were beverages tea or coffee with sweetened condensed milk and added sugar.

More accurate data should be obtained by conducting population-wide studies using biomarkers of sugar intake e. Availability of added sugars in Brazil: distribution, food sources and time trends. The study used data from Household Budget Surveys since the s about the type and quantity of food and beverages bought by Brazilian families. Although this proportion fell in the past 15 years, sugar added to processed food doubled, especially in terms of consumption of soft drinks and cookies. Brazilians consume more sugar than the recommended levels determined by the WHO and the sources of consumption of sugar have changed significantly.

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For the very first time, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, made a quantitative recommendation that added sugars intake of individuals to not exceed 10 percent of total energy intake. The objective of this article is to define added sugars and to describe the methodology used to estima Association of usual intake of added sugars with nutrient adequacy. Recommendations for intakes of added sugars have varied considerably and the scientific basis supporting these recommendations has been inconsistent. Snacks, sweetened beverages, added sugars , and schools.

Concern over childhood obesity has generated a decade-long reformation of school nutrition policies. Food is available in school in 3 venues: federally sponsored school meal programs; items sold in competition to school meals, such as a la carte, vending machines, and school stores; and foods available in myriad informal settings, including packed meals and snacks, bake sales, fundraisers, sports booster sales, in-class parties, or other school celebrations.

High-energy, low-nutrient beverages, in particular, contribute substantial calories, but little nutrient content, to a student's diet. Since then, school nutrition has undergone a significant transformation.