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Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocates provide: hour availability and crisis response Accompanying to medical, legal or personal appointments Assistance with education, housing and transportation Guidance with Criminal or Family Orders of Protection May refer self or by other sources Safe Home provides: hour monitored Assistance with employment, housing and transportation Constant support to get life back on track May refer self or by other sources Safe Haven provides: Night and weekend availability Supervised visitation court ordered or mutual agreement Child exchanges court ordered or mutual agreement May refer self or by other sources When to call Three Sisters: Domestic Violence Abuse can be: physical, psychological, sexual, economic, emotional, peer intimidation, isolation, harassing, stalking or reproductive coercion.

Relationships can be: family, persons living together, married couples, dating couples, teen dating, straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgendered. Sexual Assault Assaulters can be: spouse, intimate partner, acquaintance, stranger, group or family. Dating Violence Relationships can be people living together or separate, teens, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered.

Stalking Relationships can be anyone literally, virtually, or real. Section prohibits anal intercourse, except by a husband and wife or two persons who are both 18 years or older, and where the act is consensual and takes place in private. The offence has had a disparate impact on gay and bisexual men, whose consensual sexual activities have been uniquely targeted for prohibition under the Criminal Code. In addition, courts in five provinces as well as the Federal Court of Canada Trial Division have found section to unjustifiably discriminate on the prohibited grounds of sexual orientation, age and marital status.

The repeal will equalize the range of sexual conduct before the law, and lower the applicable age of consent from 18 to 16, making it equal to the required age of consent for all other consensual sexual activity. C was introduced and read in the House of Commons on March 8, In fact, the law was not repealed, only amended to create exemptions for legal adults in heterosexual unions. This meant that the law still discriminated against gay and bisexual men, and that the age of consent remained unequal.

The passage of this Bill will be a triumph for our community, and hopefully indicates the enactment of further measures, protections, and resources that support true equality. This Bill represents a significant stride inequality towards same-sex relationships and the way they are perceived not only by society as a whole, but by members of law enforcement. The Bill also gives individuals the information, power, and autonomy to decide what they want to do with their own bodies once they reach the age of consent. Most importantly, the legislation may also make sex education more available, particularly to youth, giving them a chance to make informed decisions about their sexual activity and health.

While the age of consent for anal intercourse was 18 years of age, many authorities felt it was unnecessary or inappropriate that sex education be open and accessible about risk factors and safe practices. Bill C proposes to either repeal or amend various provisions under the Criminal Code that have been found to have been unenforceable because they are inconsistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

For more information on the full scope of the Act, please visit:. Our focus now is on Members of Parliament, and how they will vote on this Bill. We need all Canadians to contact their Member of Parliament and urge them to pass Bill C unchanged. Share this page on social media, at the office, in school and at your community organizations—and get your friends and family to take action too! Within this legislation is the repeal of Section , the prohibition of anal intercourse.

As Canadian society makes strides forward towards understanding and equality, the Criminal Code must change to reflect new attitudes. This Bill must pass through the House of Commons with support from all parties. Please take action to understand and support Bill C Bill C amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination. The enactment also amends the Criminal Code to extend the protection against hate propaganda set out in that Act to any section of the public that is distinguished by gender identity or expression and to clearly set out that evidence that an offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on gender identity or expression constitutes an aggravating circumstance that a court must take into consideration when it imposes a sentence.

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Kaye Lamb. Among other things, he instructed them to quote "destroy all of my diaries except those parts which I have indicated are and shall be available for publication or use. But he never indicated the parts that were to be kept. They had a difficult task at hand…. In his will, King stated that he wanted the diaries destroyed after his death. How did the executors of his will manage not only to keep the diaries but also to make them available to the public? CD: Well, and that's a fascinating story.

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That's one of the main stories I want to tell in the book. Because his will says that my diaries should be destroyed, except those portions which I indicate are to be preserved. And in writing, he never indicates that anything should be preserved. So one interpretation would be that the diaries shouldn't exist, that your institution—Library and Archives Canada—is betraying his will.

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Now right after he dies—in his will, he also appoints four literary executors, one of whom was in fact the National Archivist W. Kaye Lamb at the time. And they quickly go and try to get a legal reading on what this means. Because one of the executors and Handy, the assistant, say that verbally, he kind of told them what he wanted kept and they felt they knew.

And so they think they know what he wants to be preserved and they also see the diary's usefulness, especially for his official biographer, right?

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And that's what they want to do, is create this monument to King. GM: There were a few 'official' Mackenzie King biographers appointed by the literary executors. Then, H. Blair Neatby, dealt with the years to CD: So they get the Minister of Justice to get a legal ruling and the legal ruling opens the door for them. It says, well indicated is it could be interpreted more widely than that.

Laurent and the Department of Justice on the legal meaning of the word "indicated. CD: And then they spend the next couple of decades debating whether they should use them, destroy them.

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Should the official biographer use them but not quote from them? Should the official biographer use them and quote from them? Should anyone else have access? Should they be destroyed after it's used? And it goes on for decades. In fact, by the time they make a decision to open them in the s, two of the original literary executors are dead and a lot has changed in Canada. And that's of course a big part of the story I tell in the book.

And so they ultimately decide that it's possible to open them. GM: I just had a little side thought about how this happens so often in archives where people—either the person themselves or their family—will destroy parts of their records for fear of anything getting out. But they're doing it with the mentality of the day and they don't imagine that later on in life there won't be the same sort of mentality where certain things will be accepted, certain things will not be, the judgment will no longer exist. So the fact that it did take until the 70s probably meant that they were more open-minded about keeping them open.

GM: We see this in the archives of the gay community, how families—after someone passes—they realize they had these secret relationships with someone of the same sex and they destroy that whole part of their archives. But today, it would be so important to have this sort of documentation. So it comes to mind again that they thought they were doing them a favour but—.

CD: Yeah. And you know, time moves in one direction, at least as we experience it, right? So, we see this as we're now more open-minded. I mean, if we could speak to them, it'd be interesting to know—this is King speaking to the dead—would they feel the same way when they haven't lived through those times? So maybe—and I say this as a historian actually wanting the documents—but maybe they still wouldn't want them open, which is fascinating because they still would be believing as they believed, right?

And so just because we believe differently doesn't mean that we should actually have them. Now as a historian, I want the diaries. Maybe we shouldn't have them. And now, Frederick McGregor—who is one of his executors and probably the closest to King—he was the one who really pushed for them to be preserved. He thought that they were incredibly useful. In fact, he spent a number of years of his life transcribing the handwritten diaries into a type-written version. So, he knew them better than anyone else in the world.

And he really thought that they would show King's legacy. And I think ultimately he's been proven correct, that even though King was made to appear ridiculous in many respects—and was—still the sheer weight of this record means that people just go to the diary, they go to his record and we get things through King's perspective.

So, he probably has too much weight in our public memory and historical memory of the 20th century because of the diary.