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Where prostitution is illegal or taboo , it is common for male prostitutes to use euphemisms which present their business as providing companionship, nude modeling or dancing, body massage, or some other acceptable fee-for-service arrangement. Thus one may be referred to as a male escort , gigolo implying female customers , rent boy , hustler more common for those soliciting in public places , model , or masseur.

Male clients, especially those who pick up prostitutes on the street or in bars, are sometimes called johns or tricks. Male prostitution has been found in almost all modern and ancient cultures. Some interpreters consider that in one of the Pauline vice lists, 1 Corinthians —10, one of the words malakoi "soft" or arsenokoitai a compound of "male" and "bed" refer to male prostitution or male temple prostitution : this interpretation of arsenokoitai is followed in the New Revised Standard Version. The Encyclopedia of Homosexuality states that prostitutes in ancient Greece were generally slaves.

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Male brothels existed in both ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Around this time, prostitution was reported to have taken place in brothels, such as the Paresis Hall in the Bowery district of New York and in some gay bathhouses. Solicitation for sex, including paid sex, took place in certain bars between so-called "fairies". Male street prostitutes solicited clients in specific areas which became known for the trade.

Young male prostitutes in the Edo period of Japan were called kagema. Their clients were mainly adult men.

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In southern areas of Central Asia and Afghanistan , adolescent males between twelve and sixteen years old perform erotic songs and suggestive dancing and are available as sex workers. The most famous male prostitute of the Victorian era was the Irish-born John Saul , who was involved in both the Dublin Castle scandal, and the Cleveland Street Scandal of Cuban male prostitutes are called jinetero — literally "horse jockey"; female prostitutes are called jinetera.

A male sex worker in the Caribbean who solicits on the beaches and accepts clients of either sex is called a sanky-panky. Professional escorts indoor sex workers often advertise on male escorting websites, usually either independently or through an escort agency.

Such sites can face legal difficulties; in , Rentboy. Major cities in Europe and the Eastern Hemisphere often have one or more areas where male street prostitutes regularly make themselves available to potential clients who drive by in cars. Such an area may have a locally-known informal name.

These areas tend to be risky for both the client and the prostitute, from a legal perspective when it is in a region where street prostitution or solicitation is prohibited by law, or also from a safety perspective. These areas may be targets for surveillance and arrests by law enforcement. Some male prostitutes solicit potential clients in other public spaces such as bus terminals, parks and rest stops. Male prostitutes may attempt to work in gay bathhouses , adult bookstores or sex clubs , but prostitution is usually prohibited in such establishments, and known prostitutes are often banned by management.

However, in some places it is overlooked in order to keep the flow of business. A male prostitute may work in a male brothel , also known in some places as a "stable".

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The Cleveland Street scandal of involved a male brothel in London frequented by aristocrats when male homosexuality was illegal in the United Kingdom. Arthur Corbett , who worked in the City of London , and was addicted to cross-dressing , as telling her in "There's a male brothel, I pay the boys to dress me up, then masturbate me. In order to work in a legal brothel in Nevada , a cervical exam is required by law, implying that men could not work as prostitutes.

In November , Heidi Fleiss said that she would partner with brothel owner Joe Richards to turn Richards' legal Cherry Patch Ranch brothel in Crystal, Nevada , into an establishment that would employ male prostitutes and cater exclusively to female customers, a first in Nevada. Until , when all prostitution in Rhode Island was outlawed, Rhode Island did not have a law prohibiting male sex workers.

In January , the first brothel for gay men in Switzerland was opened in an industrial area of Zurich.

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Women who spend time with male escorts while on vacation may be any age, but are predominantly middle-aged women looking for romance along with their sex. There have been reported cases where female clients have been blackmailed by gigolos they visited. As in all forms of prostitution, male prostitutes and their clients can face risks and problems. Teenagers and runaways engaging in sex work have shown to be particularly at risk.

A masters thesis reported that , male prostitutes were under the age of For clients, risks may include: fear of social stigma and family or work problems if their activities with prostitutes do not remain secret; health-related risks; being robbed; or, very rarely, being blackmailed or injured. Research suggests that the degree of violence against male prostitutes is somewhat lower than for female sex workers.

Men working on the street and younger men appear to be at greatest risk of being victimized by clients. This is especially true when clients hire sex workers through an established agency or when they hire men who have been consistently well reviewed by previous clients. The pimp is relatively rare in male prostitution in the West, where most prostitutes generally work independently or, less frequently, through an agency. Factors like the difference in age , in social status and in economic status between the sex worker and his client have been cited as major sources of social criticism.

The older member in such relationships may be referred as a "sugar daddy" or "sugar momma"; the young lover may be called a "kept boy" or "boy toy". They may be at a higher risk for health problems and abuse.

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Offering support and health care to such stigmatized people can be difficult due to a reluctance to disclose information about their work to health care professionals, which can also make male prostitutes difficult to identify in order to reach out to. In recent years, some organizations directed specifically at helping male sex workers have been founded and some studies have begun on this little-studied population.

For example, Richard Holcomb , a former sex worker, founded "Project Weber", [29] a harm reduction program in Providence , Rhode Island , that offers resources and support to male sex workers living on the streets, including a needle exchange and HIV testing. Holcomb cited the lack of data available on male commercial sex workers in the region as his reason for helping develop a survey to assess the needs of this population. Project Weber recruited and surveyed 50 male sex workers living on the streets of Providence. Holcomb cited the fact that he and members of his team are former sex workers themselves as one of the primary reasons why they were able to gain access to the men in order to conduct this survey.

Nothing can be done because prostitution isn't and never has been illegal in Canada.

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