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Bailey, R. Ecoregions map of North America: Explanatory Note. Geological Survey. Balcombe, J. The Canadian Field-Naturalist Baldwin, E. Marchand, and J. Terrestrial habitat use by nesting Painted Turtles in landscapes with different levels of fragmentation.

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Northeastern Naturalist Baxter-Gilbert, J. Riley, pers. Riley, G. Mastromonaco, J. Litzgus, and D. A novel technique to measure chronic levels of corticosterone in turtles living around a major roadway. Conservation Physiology Riley, D. Mitigating reptile road mortality: fence failures compromise ecopassage effectiveness.

Riley, and J. Chrysemys picta marginata Midland Painted Turtle avian predation. Herpetological Review Bayless, L. Population parameters for Chrysemys picta in a New York pond. The American Midland Naturalist Bennett, A. November Injury rates of freshwater turtles on a recreational waterway in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Herpetology Bernier, P. Rioux, L. Bouthillier and I.

Rioux, and J. Bider, J. An efficient and apparently unbiased sampling technique for population studies of Painted Turtles. Herpetologica Bishop, C. Ng, K. Pettit, S. Kennedy, J. Stegeman, N. Norstrom, and R. Environmental contamination and developmental abnormalities in eggs and hatchlings of the common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina serpentina from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin Environmental Pollution Bishop, S. The Painted Turtles of the genus Chrysemys. Bleakney, J. The amphibians and reptiles of Nova Scotia. National Museum of Canada Postglacial dispersal of the turtle Chrysemys picta.

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Notes on the distribution and life histories of turtles in Nova Scotia. Boarman, W. Van Abbema Ed. Bourdages, L. Caumont, and A. Bourque, A. Lemmen, F. Warren, J. Lacroix, and E. Bush eds. Government of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Boutin, A. Email and phone correspondence to P. November and December Bowne, D.

Searching strategy of the Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta across spatial scales. Animal Behaviour Boyle, S. Bradford, L. Road mortality effects on the turtle population at St. Lawrence Island National Park. Nelson ed. Protected Areas and Species at Risk. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Breithenbach, G. Congdon, and R. Winter temperature of Chrysemys picta nests in Michigan: Effects on hatchling survival. Brooks, R. Do reptiles in Canada have a future? An overview of the constraints on conserving Canadian snakes, turtles, and lizards.

Seburn and C. Bishop eds.

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Ecology, Conservation, and Status of Reptiles in Canada. Brown, and D. Effects of a sudden increase in natural mortality of adults on a population of the Common Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina. Canadian Journal of Zoology Brooks R. Galbraith, E. Nancekivell, and C. Developing management guidelines for Snapping Turtles. Szaro, K. Severson, and D. Patton eds. Brown, J. Morbidity and mortality of reptiles admitted to the wildlife center of Virginia, to Journal of Wildlife Diseases Browne, C.

June , December , October February Species loss and shifting population structure of freshwater turtles despite habitat protection. Preliminary assessment of turtle populations in Saint John, NB, Identifying conservation threats and solutions to protecting turtle populations in an urban landscape in New Brunswick. Bull, J. Temperature-sensitive periods of sex determination in emydid turtles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Impact of recreational power boating on two populations of Northern Map Turtles Graptemys geographica. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Cadi, A.

Competition for basking places between endangered European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis galloitalica and the introduced Red-eared Slider Trachemys scripta elegans.

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Impact of the introduction of the Red-eared Slider Trachemys scripta elegans on survival rates of the European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis galloitalica. Cagle, F. Observations on the life cycles of Painted Turtles genus Chrysemys. Cairns, N. Stoot, G. Blouin-Demers, and S. Refinement of bycatch reduction devices to exclude freshwater turtles from commercial fishing nests.

Endangered Species Research Caldwell, I. A compass without a map: tortuosity and orientation of Eastern Painted Turtles Chrysemys picta picta released in unfamiliar territory. Rollinson, A. Suley, and R. Thermoregulation when the growing season is short: sex-biased basking patterns in a northern population of Painted Turtles Chrysemys picta. Carstairs, S.

Dupuis-Desormeaux, and C. Sex matters not: roads are an equal-opportunity threat to turtles. Catling, P. The recent spread and potential distribution of Phragmites australis subsp. Chiotti, Q. Christens, E. Christie, P. Clermont, N. Colombo, S. McKenney, K. Lawrence, and P. Climate change projections for Ontario: practical information for policymakers and planners. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Climate Change Research Report Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Guidelines on manipulated populations. Status reports definitions and abbreviations. Lawrence population, in Canada. Conant, R. Congdon, J. Movements and energetics of nesting Chrysemys picta. Reproductive energetics of the Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta. Dunham, and R. Conservation Biology Dunham A. Demographics of Common Snapping Turtles Chelydra serpentina : implications for conservation and management of long-lived organisms.

American Zoologist Biomass productivity of turtles in freshwater wetlands: a geographic comparison. Shartiz and J. Gibbons eds. Freshwater Wetlands and Wildlife. Gotte, R. Ontogenetic changes in habitat use by juvenile turtles, Chelydra serpentina and Chrysemys picta. Greene, and J. Biomass in freshwater turtles: a geographic comparison. American Midland Naturalist Nagle, O. Kinney, R. Quinter T. Testing hypotheses of aging in long-lived Painted Turtles Chrysemys picta.

Experimental Gerontology Cook, F. Introduction to Canadian Amphibians and Reptiles. Alan Holman. Cook, R. Boland, S. Kot, J. Borgmeyer, and M. Inventory of freshwater turtles at Cape Cod National Seashore with recommendations for long-term monitoring. National Park Service. Boston, Massachusetts. Cordero, G. Re-emergence of the Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta as a reference species for evo-devo.

Cosentino, B. Schooley, and C. Wetland hydrology, area, and isolation influence occupancy and spatial turnover of the Painted Turtle, Chrysemys picta. Landscape Ecology — Costanzo, J. Dinkelacker, J. Iverson, and R. Lee, Jr. Physiological ecology of overwintering in the hatchling painted turtle: muktiple-scale variation in response to environmental stress.

Physiological Biochemical Zoology Iverson, M. Wright, and R. Cold hardiness and overwintering strategies of hatchlings in an assemblage of northern turtles. Ecology Physiological ecology of overwintering in hatchling turtles. Crawford, K. The winter environment of Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta : temperature, dissolved oxygen, and potential cue for emergence.

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Critchlow, D. December Crocker, C. Feldman, G. Ultsch, and D. Jackson D. Canadian Journal of Zoology — Crother, B. Crowley, J. Davy, C. Kidd, and C. Phone correspondence to P. DeCatanzaro, R. Relationship of road density and marsh conditions to turtle assemblage characteristics in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research DeRosa C.

Sun-compass orientation in the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta Reptilia, Testudines, Testudinidae. DeRosa, C. A comparison of compass orientation mechanisms in three turtles Trionyx spinifer, Chrysemys picta and Terrapene carolina. Copeia Bishop, G. Van der Kraak, and R. Impacts of organochlorine contamination on levels of sex hormones and external morphology of common snapping turtles Chelydra serpentina serpentina in Ontario, Canada.

Environmental Health Perspectives Desroches, J. Le Naturaliste Canadien Consulter le public pour obtenir des mentions de tortues rares. Rodrigue D. Dorland, A. Rytwinski T. Do roads reduce Painted Turtles Chrysemys picta populations? Dubois, Y. Southern Ontario wetland conversion analysis — final report. Barrie, Ontario. Eberhardt, E. Mitchell, and L. Road kill hotspots do not effectively indicate mitigation locations when past road kill has depressed populations. The Journal of Wildlife Management Edge, C.

Rollinson, R. Brooks, J. Iverson, F. Janzen, J. Phenotypic plasticity of nest timing in a post-glacial landscape: How do reptiles adapt to seasonal time constraints? Edwards, A. Thermoregulation as a function of thermal quality in a northern population of Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta. Emerson, J. The Surma site, Fort Erie, Ontario. Ontario Archaeology Emlen, S. Homing ability and orientation in the Painted Turtle Chrysemys picta marginata. Behaviour Ernst, C. Homing ability in the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta Schneider.