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When it becomes acceptable to be rude and disrespectful to others, that opens the door to make other forms of abuse more acceptable. Incivility creates a climate of unsafety. Efforts and energy are therefore not available for actions to bring people closer to enable cooperation, or any other actions to help the family or the community move ahead and flourish.

Our strongest leaders have asked our best of us. Abraham Lincoln asked his countrymen to summon their better angels. What I can do is re-affirm my commitment to be civil in my own connections with other human beings. The business article leads me to conclude that rudeness, inconsideration and other forms of incivility are bad for business.

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Courtesy and respect are good for business, good for families, good for communities. If you have comments about this column or suggestions for future topics, send a note to Bonnie BonnieHutchinson. Voice your opinion on… Express yourself. Share your opinion. Offer your thoughts oughts in characters or less. Missed Delivery Policy If you do not receive your copy of The Booster or pre-printed inserts, please report this to us by calling We will promptly re-deliver these to city households.

Note that we do not have access to certain apartment buildings. In these cases, we ask you to contact your apartment manager to request delivery. Rural readers are asked to report missed deliveries and we will consult with your postmaster to ensure future deliveries. Thank you for being a loyal reader of…. News email: news camrosebooster. This tough radio is decidedly user-friendly, providing high-quality audio, voice announcement, and a large display with adjustable brightness for simple operation, day and night.

Home Team Paper! Becky Bolding, Administrative Assistant.

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About participants made the event a success. Another tournament is being planned for early September. Larry Pederson. It will be available at the church entry. Bring your own bottles or use those provided by the parish. Use the Easter Water to bless your Easter Dinner and for blessings in your homes. Note: During Holy Week Liturgies incense will not be used.

Sunday, April 9, 10 a. Childcare available Saturday, April 15, 7 p. Letters to the Editor Letters are welcomed, but please limit them to words or less and sign with first name, initial, surname, address and phone number; only name of writer and city or town will be printed.

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But thanks for helping out with the acceptance of others who may be different from you or your children, I mean why would we want the world to be accepting of all people for who they are, instead of what you think they should be and spreading hate because of it.

Joslyn Mayer Podolski, Camrose. The fact that there is a gay character should make no difference in who sees this or not. Children are not born hating or discriminating, that is taught by their parents. Just very sad that your children and possible grandchildren will lose out in so many great movies because. All I can say is wow. The writer claims she is not homophobic and believes in equal rights, then goes on a monster rant about gay Disney characters being unnecessary, pointless, and not something impressionable children should be exposed to.

To finish it off in grand fashion, she basically says she is totally done with Disney because of this issue.

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Again, wow. Disney has not done anything wrong here, as gays should be represented fairly and respectfully in this day and age. Tamara Morris, I respect that you have your own opinion. I will respect that. But how dare you. Disney will do just fine with out you. Rumor has it that the Easter Bunny will once again be scattering sweet treats throughout the quad.

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  8. The event will also include cookie decorating, arts and crafts, face painting and a magician. There will be a minimal cost and space is limited, so registration is required closing April Since , the month of April has been signified by the hope that a bright yellow daffodil brings to the fight against cancer. This is one of the longest running Canadian annual traditions happening in every province and involves tens of thousands of volunteers in every community in Canada selling daffodil pins and fresh daffodil flowers.

    Submitted The Alberta 55 plus Zone 4 started a new challenge cup in floor shuffleboard with the first competition held at Bawlf. Dianne and Dennis Hartman from Bawlf were second with three wins and points. You think children should be shielded from this type of thing. Do you not see the world we live in? But let me ask you this. Would you rather children see this gay character in a Disney movie, have the time and opportunity to ask their parents about it, to learn about it. What it means, what it entails, or would rather have one of your kids or nieces or nephews go to school, watch a kid get bullied and beaten for being gay or transgender or bisexual and not fully understand why?

    Just to watch some one get beat or treated awfully because they are different. What would you do if it was your child, or any member of your family? Would you not want people to understand. To accept. Why not give them a hint, a glimpse, while they are still young enough to understand and before peer pressure kicks in. In a movie about love and seeing the best in others despite anything physical, seeing a persons true colours … I would much prefer my children learn that way. In a setting about love and seeing who a person is underneath it all.

    This is our world and our culture. But I applaud Disney for their stand. And I feel sad that you are not open minded enough to see that. Because The Camrose Booster is not what it once was. They print only what they agree with these days. And that is why circulation has gone down. And will continue to go down. But you all have a great day in your little world. Rachel Plantz, Camrose.

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    Battle River School Division is offering a Pre-Maternelle Pre-Kindergarten program for four-year olds Familes enrolling their child in the French Immersion Program are encouraged to consider this option to help their children increase their confidence and Kindergarten readiness. Registration at or register online Sponsor Forms: www.

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    Saturday, April 22, 11 a. However, if caught early, it is very treatable. Through open conversation in a natural, comfortable setting, we can bring death out of silence and increase awareness of death while helping people make the most of their lives. Kevin Bell explained to school council, administration, parents and guests the purpose of the infrastructure committee report and capital plan beginning with an explanation of the composition of Conseil Scolaire Centre-Nord School Board North Central.

    Our mission is the continued survival of French first language in this area of Western Canada. The Infrastructure Report identified schools within the Scolaire Centre-Nord Francophone school division , including Camrose, that are in need of an improved new school facility.

    Denis Lefebvre explained to the attendees the principle behind Section 23 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees minority language educational rights to French-speaking communities outside Quebec. Then there is a breach of Section 23 and it must be rectified.

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    Bell commented that Section 23 covered the legal part of obtaining a new school in Camrose, but that it is vital to lobby government as well as the City and other school boards Battle River and Elk Island on the proposal of a new French school in Camrose, including the feasibility of a joint school site. It is twopronged one: we are lobbying the province for money for the schools, but we also need to talk to the City and the municipal folks because they are the holders of the land. Hoveland responded.

    Aaron Leckie upon checking further MacPhee confirmed the school site would be approximately MacPhee also stated he would take all information obtained from the meeting back to City manager Malcolm Boyd.

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    The likelihood of us succeeding in getting something is to partner up. Hoveland asked about the projected figures student body for the proposed school and was told 80 to students.