Farming Practices

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Our Farming Practices

Holistic Management

Holistic Management is a farm planning system that allows farmers to become better managers by utilizing the relationships between plants, soil, livestock, people, and water. Financial planning, grazing planning, land planning, and biological monitoring are all important steps in the planning system.

Holistic Management International

Holistic Management Canada



Organic production works with nature avoiding the use of artificial or chemical inputs to produce food, while ensuring environmental sustainability and humane animal treatment. Organic farms must be inspected annually to ensure that they are following the Canadian Organic Standards.

Pro-Cert Organic

Canadian Organic Standards


Environmental Sustainability

Being environmental sustainable is the practice of managing our animals and land to promote biodiversity, wildlife habitats, and healthy riparian areas. Working with nature promotes a healthy ecosystem which will help provide healthy environment for generations to come.

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Upper Assiniboine River Conservation District


Verified Beef

National on farm food safety program for beef producers. The program outlines the safe production practices behind beef production.

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