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Before he was famous, Sean Penn even appeared as an extra in an episode directed by his dad. Often, Japanese anime shows are action-packed. But in , a quiet anime adaptation called Laura, the Prairie Girl debuted. Shot in Canada, it used a variety of relatively unknown Canadian actors, and was written by Miss Congeniality writer Katie Ford. A costar, Dean Butler , was a more experienced Their real-life characters, Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder, eventually got married. So, they were supposed to kiss.

And Gilbert was freaked out. Adult chaperones had to come on set to make sure everything went okay and Gilbert stayed safe and comfortable. To get revenge, Laura then pushes Nellie in a wheelchair down a hill for revenge. Simple, right? But the real life shoot was more complicated. During shooting, Arngrim had a real-life cast on her arm due to a broken wrist from a skateboarding accident.

And to elicit as real of screams as possible for the wheelchair scene, crew members shouted that the safety ropes were broken right when cameras rolled. Then, he created one of the best known sitcoms of the s.

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So he put four-inch lifts in his boots and appeared on elevated ground in as many shots as possible. He also wanted to — how can we phrase this delicately? So if a scene could culminate in Landon removing his shirt, it would. Ah, Missouri frontier food. Meat, potatoes, milk — all caught and homemade. The good old American way. Except — the cast was actually eating modern fast food in every dinner scene on Little House on the Prairie. What, did the Postmates delivery people use horses? And any time they were eating chicken, it was straight up KFC.

Gilbert, who had her first kiss on the show and was, you know, a teenage girl , still felt uncomfortable with shows of affection. And one day on set, he was chatting with film camera pioneer Garrett Brown about a lack of good camera angles while watching football. Which gave Brown an idea. The Skycam — an invention that put a camera on a series of suspended wires that gave it the illusion of flying.

But when the two actors started performing the material that was supposed to hint at their romance, producers started scrambling. Anderson and Pera had no chemistry. And everyone knew. So producers changed the story, instead deciding that Mary should go blind from scarlet fever, and find love at a school for the blind. We all knew Gilbert as Laura.

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It focused on the Ingalls time in South Dakota, and it sold out its entire run. When the show began production, many young girls across the country were auditioning to play Laura. But when Landon and the producers saw Gilbert in her first audition, they immediately stopped seeing anyone else. Follow Danni: Facebook , Instagram. The classically trained dancer turned neo-burlesque babe! The best and worst part of being an influencer on social media, according to Scarlett, is that the microscope of the internet can be both magical and brutal.

Currently, happening for Scarlett? He has been creating content for 5 years now and wants to e ncourage, empower and facilitate connections between our global queer community by informing and inspiring LGBTQ travelers to explore further. The best thing about being an influencer? The worst? Besides attending as many queer events and pride festivals around the world as I can in , I would also like to get more involved in the LGBT scene in my hometown of Auckland and give back to the community in a more tangible way.

Watch this space. He has been creating content for 2. While being an influencer he says that t he best part is helping weary travelers see the world in a fulfilling way. Having the platform to educate and inspire makes it worth it! It takes countless hours behind a laptop for the content you see every day. Not friends, not family, not society. Find your authentic you, and have the courage to be that person. Bailey is currently launching a second blog, called Discover Dishes.

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It is geared towards food specifically. He also has quite a few travel plans in the mix for and will be working on a campaign coming up that will help give trans people a platform to speak on issues regarding trans rights around the world. Amber Whittington is an activist, YouTuber, host, and actress who believes in changing the world by changing within.

Her goal is to show up, show off, and inspire people to be the best version of themselves. Amber has a social reach of nearly one million; views totaling over million. She is not afraid to use her platform to speak up about issues that affect society, especially minority communities. She has been creating content for 7 years and wants to c reate an impact that can help others much into the future.


That moment means everything! She posts all of her upcoming projects and events on Instagram. They also enjoy collaborating with their partner Drea on many of my projects! Ronnie has been creating content for 5 years and prefers the Tik Tok platform over all others. The best part of being an influencer is being able to create content and art and being able to participate in a community that has formed around what they love!

The worst is that it has created dynamics on social media that feel dehumanizing. You are large.

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You can be many things. Those things can change at any time — and ALL of those things are beautiful. Upcoming happenings for Ronnie? Follow Ronnie: Youtube , Instagram. She wants to create the content she needed to see when she was struggling the most. It can be a beautiful place, filled with loving people. There are people out there that will understand and accept you! The best part of being an online influencer is connecting to people all around the world.

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They have been in different countries and been stopped by people that follow them on social media. Even if they have helped just one person feel more comfortable in their own skin, they feel they have succeeded. The worst part is the hate. It can be hard not understanding where you fit in or who you are but the fact is, you are YOU! Her wife and herself are now traveling full time and have a lot of fun things to share this year!

They will be working with some pretty amazing companies that are in full support! Ziggy is a 25 year old Spoken Word Artist born in Chicago. People recognize her for two reasons; one being for the truth that she speaks in my poetry, and the other is for her hair that never lays flat.

Ziggy has been creating content for 10 years! The worst is having to swallow the worst criticism people will put out about you as if they know you more than what you put out. Whatever you identify as, is ultimately your choice, because it feels best to your heart.

Currently Ziggy is working on her first book that markets to people willing to hear about her journey as a poet, lesbian, ex-church goer, ex-lover, and vulnerable Libra. Kaitlyn is a mom of 2 living in Louisville, KY. She is a master hairstylist working in Louisville and Manhattan and also the proud owner of Tomboy Hair Care. She has been creating content for 4 years and wants to share the message with others to always be unapologetically YOU. Focus on YOU. It takes time and mistakes to find your true self. What is in the works for Kaitlyn?

S ome friends of hers and herself are currently working on a helicopter company collaboration! Follow Kaitlyn: Blog , Facebook , Instagram. To be completely transparent, she says the worst part is being told what to do or how to do her own content — when that happens, she quickly becomes jaded. This life is YOURS to live, and it would be a tragedy to conform to a heteronormative society in fear of rejection. Upcoming for Karli?

Follow Karli: Blog , Instagram. Mads is a queer, non-binary musician, writer, actor, model and overall artist who made their way by breaking gender binaries. Look out for their break out album said to be released sometime in The best part of being an influencer according to Mads is being able to connect with their community and help those going through what they had once gone through in any way they can.

The worst part of it all is almost the same thing- with being so connected in my community Mads has a lot of eyes on them which means a lot of judgment.

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  5. Your feelings are valid. Take things one day at a time and be kind to yourself. Regardless of figuring out your identity one thing is for sure- you are YOU and that in itself is beautiful. Anything in the works for Mads?